Forum Guidelines
Composing your own postings
· Search before writing. Many topics already exist. Avoid repetition by using the search function first.
· Stay on topic. While even with subject-oriented topics it’s possible for a off-topic remark to occur, these comments shouldn’t be the main component of a posting
· Formulate your questions and answers precisely and understandably.
· Name your sources when you quote or refer to other Internet pages.
· Choose meaningful headlines when creating threads.
· Stay friendly and factual.
· Be cautious with humor and irony.
· Give Feedback.
Of course it’s possible in a forum that from time to time posts and topics can turn up that contradict - more or less strongly - these guidelines. On the one hand, the points mentioned are highly dependent on personal interpretation and, on the other hand, nobody’s perfect.
The following behavior will not be tolerated at the German UDS Academy
· Personal conflicts carried out in the public sphere
· "Trolling" and "flaming", i.e. releasing posts or topics that are intended to deliberately provoke strong negative or emotional reactions - Spam, i.e. posts with e.g. advertising contents - Harassing or threatening other participants - Language which is hurtful, threatening, insulting, defamatory, obscene, hateful or racist.
Depending on its severity, a violation of these rules may result in a warning or a temporary or permanent exclusion from the platform.